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War Criminal: The Life and Death Of Hirota Koki (1980) By Saburo Shiroyama


Koki Hirota , 1878-1948, Japanese statesman. He became prime minister, 1936, and followed army dictates, 1937-38 he was foreign minister and president of the cabinet planning board under Fumimaro Konoye. In 1945 he negotiated to keep the USSR from declaring war on Japan. After the war he was arrested as a war criminal, and in 1948 he was convicted and hanged. His sentence remains controversial because he had opposed the Japanese intervention in China and was forced out of office for a number of years by the military. 


  • Soft Cover
  • 301 pages
  • In Good Condition

War Criminal: The Life and Death Of Hirota Koki (1980) By Saburo Shiroyama

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