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Life In The Trenches (2000) DVD


Holographic soldiers, multi-task tanks, E-bombs, mission-tailored computer software, modular body armour, weapons with laser range-finders, wearable computers, unmanned combat fighters, heat-seeking missiles, tele-operated weapons, micro-robots, sophisticated robot attack planes, and intelligent textiles Future Fighting Machines examines the latest innovations in military hardware: the gadgets; the wizardry of military weapons manufacturers; and the unstoppable ambition of weapon developers worldwide to make soldiers less and less vulnerable. Witness the invention of weapons which strike more accurately, and the development of tanks and vehicles which can be operated by robots and computers. A documentary for those who want to be stunned by technology and see the fiction of films, such as Robocop and Total Recall, brought to life!


2x Discs

Future Fighting Machines (2000) DVD

Tuotenumero: DVD#6.40
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  • Future Fighting Machines

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