Good news out of New York, where a famous 97-year-old World War II photographer has beaten coronavirus.
Tony Vaccaro is a well-known and respected World War II photographer who began as a combat infantryman. He survived the Battle of Normandy and delivered numerous well-known images of the fighting and suffering, bringing back around 8,000 photos from the war, which would lead him on into a career in photography on the back of such famous images as "Kiss of Liberation." He would go on to photograph Europe's reconstruction before coming back to the United States, going on to work as a celebrity photographer for some of the nation's most popular magazines.

Vaccaro was recently stricken by coronavirus, likely catching it while on a walk in April. The virus has been particularly deadly in New York and among senior citizens, but thankfully, he is now recovering after a two-day stay in the hospital. He said: “I really feel I have luck on my back and I could go anywhere on this Earth and survive it.”
If you have HBO Streaming or Amazon Prime Video, you can watch the 2016 documentary “Under Fire: The Untold Story of PFC Tony Vaccaro" for more on his story.