TRIBUTES have poured in for “remarkable” prisoner of war Bob Morrell after he died at 98.

The RAF veteran survived over three years of horrendous abuse at the hands of the Japanese after being captured in the Far East. He endured beatings, starvation, hard labour and disease in a string of hellish camps and saw his comrades die in their hundreds. War blunted Mr Morrell’s senses so much that as pals died he did not feel a grief so much as resentment that he had to carry coffins.
Somehow he came out alive and returned to Britain but was haunted for the rest of his life by nightmares and flashbacks.
He admitted he could never “understand or forgive” his captors’ savage mentality.
But a flash of his indomitable spirit shone through when he visited an airfield just last year and reminisced about the Spitfires he had worked on during the Battle of Britain before going overseas.
The clergyman who conducted his funeral said that despite everything Mr Morrell “loved his life”.
Nick Bunting, Secretary-General of the Royal Air Forces Association, said: “Bob suffered greatly. The country owes veterans like him an eternal debt.”
He was born in May 1921 in Brighton and joined up at 17.
He was trained as a fighter mechanic and sent to No1 Squadron, which faced the 1940 Nazi onslaught in France and then fought in the Battle of Britain.
After being sent to the Far East he was captured in Java. In 1943 he and 2,000 others were jammed into a ship and taken to the island of Haroekoe to build a runway.
Speaking in 2015, Mr Morrell recalled: “They set us to work with six-inch chisels and a hammer. It was back-breaking and we were all ill and weak with no food. They didn’t see us as human beings.”

Of the 2,000 prisoners shipped to the island, 600 died. Mr Morrell remembered: “When I came back from a day’s work I just wanted to collapse and sleep but I had to carry ten or 12 coffins to a pit. War does funny things to your mind – I resented them dying. I thought, ‘I’ve had enough and now I’ve got to carry you’. It’s not, ‘Poor old Bill’, it’s ‘Why did he have to bloody die on my bloody shift?’”
After the war he had a son, Mark, and settled on the south coast. He spent his last years in Worthing’s Care for Veterans home and leaves behind partner Valerie.
In 2018 he had a visit to Solent airport, where he chatted to pilot Jack Rann about the fighter aircraft he remembered so well.
His funeral at Brighton’s Woodvale crematorium was attended by family, friends and representatives from the RAF and the Royal British Legion.
The Last Post was sounded. The Rev Andrew Birks called it a “fitting tribute to a remarkable man”.

More than 190,000 British and Commonwealth troops were taken prisoner by the Japanese and a quarter died in captivity.
(Source: Mark Reynolds, The Express- 6/11/2019)