More than 100 years after a First World War battle that wounded and killed more than 9,200 Canadians, many from the London area among them, a towering monument to the lives lost at Hill 70 — believed to be the war's last major memorial to be erected in Europe — is ready to be unveiled.

Eight years, $12.5 million in contributions, one monumental task.
More than 100 years after a First World War battle that wounded and killed more than 9,200 Canadians, many from the London area among them, a towering monument to the lives lost at Hill 70 — believed to be the war’s last major memorial to be erected in Europe — is ready to be unveiled.
The limestone obelisk and remembrance park outside Lens, in northern France, along the Western Front where some of the war’s bloodiest battles were fought will be dedicated at a ceremony on Wednesday.
The work of volunteers who began fundraising eight years ago, the salute comes more than 102 years after the battle and nearly 101 years after the armistice that ended the war’s bloodshed and created the legacy of Remembrance Day.
“This made Canada a nation, this battle,” said Mark Hutchings, a retired colonel living in Kingston and chairperson of the Hill 70 Memorial Project.
“It was a turning point. And to think there was no monument there before, it was just unbelievable.”

Another Canadian victory in northern France months earlier, its Easter 1917 battle against dug-in German forces on wind-swept Vimy Ridge, is often cited as a nation-defining moment in the war for Canada, the first time all four divisions of the young country’s army overseas fought together.
The feat had eluded both the French and the British.
Vimy Ridge is marked by a sweeping, two-spire Canadian memorial that opened in 1936. It’s also featured on the back of the $20 banknote.
Hutchings, diverging from the narrative about Vimy’s nation-forging profile, said he noticed during a family trip to the region in 2008 there was no memorial at the site of the lesser-known battle for Hill 70, a 10-day fight that history records as a strategic victory for the Allies that inflicted heavy German losses.
The Hill 70 volunteers began a memorial fund in 2011, rallying financial support and gifts-in-kind for the project from donors across Canada. They drew support from such luminaries as former governor-general David Johnston and Sarnia-born astronaut Chris Hadfield.
The project also received contributions from the governments of France and Ireland.
The Battle of Hill 70 doesn’t live in the Canadian consciousness like Vimy or Passchendaele, Hutchings said, despite six Canadian soldiers earning the Victoria Cross, the highest military honour, for their bravery during the battle. (Two of the six were born in Ireland, accounting for its support of the project.)
But Hill 70 was a decisive victory for Canadians and cemented Gen. Arthur Currie’s place as a formidable leader, Hutchings said. Currie, who was born near Strathroy, had been placed in command of the Canadian Corps in June 1917, following his leadership during the Vimy battle earlier that spring.
British Field Marshal Douglas Haig ordered Currie to launch an attack on Lens, a heavily fortified German stronghold. Instead, Currie studied the terrain around the city, opting to seize the high ground outside Lens, forcing the German army to retreat or counter-attack.
“Over the next 10 days, the Germans counter-attacked Hill 70 21 times to try and get it back,” Hutchings said. “Currie’s reputation became exceptional among the British and remained that way forever. He was the guy that never lost a battle. . . .
“Our nationality became defined as winners, capable people right there, more so than ever before.”
The battle, meant to divert German forces away from the Allies’ strategic offensive in Flanders, was meticulously executed, Steven Liggett, chairperson of the First Hussars Museum in London, said.
“The objective was to take the hill and outflank the Germans . . . but they were more reluctant to retreat than they thought they would be,” Liggett said. “Hill 70 was like Vimy. It was well planned, it was well organized and it was extremely successful.”
Though the Southwestern Ontario-based regiment is best known for other battles, including the Hundred Days Offensive that brought the war to an end, many of London’s First Hussars, operating within the Canadian Light Horse Regiment, dismounted their horses and fought at Hill 70, Liggett said.
Members of the London-based Royal Canadian Regiment and the 1st Canadian Infantry Battalion, which was raised in Southwestern Ontario at the start of the war, fought at Hill 70, too.
In a four-year global war that killed more than 66,000 Canadians, the Hill 70 memorial is not only a testament to the lives lost there, but a chance to raise awareness of an often-overlooked chapter in the country’s history, Hutchings said.
“There were more than 9,000 casualties on the Canadian side. There’s probably not a town or village in Canada that was not affected,” he said.

(Source: Jennifer Biemen, The London Free Press- 30/9/2019)