82 BC Battle of the Colline Gate: Sulla defeats the Populares & Samnites with great slaughter -
634 Battle of Ubaid: Persians defeat the Moslem Arabs
1318 Coup in Siena is suppressed in a bloody riot
1465 Peace between Louis XI and recalcitrant nobles ends the French "War of the Public Good."
1860 Garibaldi meets Victor Emanuel II at Teano, unifying Italy
1861 Combat at Romney, WVa
1861 Last Ride of the Pony Express
1868 White terrorists kill many blacks in St Bernard Parish, La
1881 Gunfight at the OK Corral, Tombstone
1905 Norway secedes from Sweden, which declines to object
1906 Dressed as a Guards captain, Wilhelm Voight robs the city hall of Kopernich, near Berlin
1912 First Balkan War: Serbians capture Skopje
1922 Lt Cdr Godfrey Chevalier makes first underway US carrier landing, on 'Langley' (CV-1)
1930 Emperor Hirohito reviews the Combined Fleet from the deck of the BB 'Kirishima,' off Kobe
1937 Battle for the Sihang Warehouse, Shanghai: The Chinese 524th Regiment begins an heroic six day defense, beating off repeated Japanese attacks.
1942 Battle of the Santa Cruz Is: USS 'Hornet' (CV-8) is put out of action, Japanese carriers are heavily damaged
1942 Espiritu Santo: liner 'President Coolidge' mined, sinks, only 2 of hundreds aboard die
1943 Chandra Bose forms a provisional Indian government, joins Axis
1944 Leyte Gulf ends: losses, Japan 34 major warships, US 6.
1955 Ngo Dinh Diem proclaims Vietnam a republic with himself as president
1957 Khrushchev fires USSR defense minister Marshal Georgi Zhukov
1966 Fire aboard USS 'Oriskany' (CV-34) in the Gulf of Tonkin, 43 die