41 The Praetorians haul Claudius from a closet & proclaim him Emperor (41-54)
1328 King Edward III of England marries Philippa of Henegouwen
1458 Matthias I Corvinus, 14, is elected King of Hungary and Croatia (1458-1490)
1497 Battle of Soriano: The Orsini defeat Papal forces
1568 Netherlands: the Duke of Alva declares William of Orange an outlaw
1597 Battle of Turnhout: Maurice of Nassau defeats the Spanish
1634 Holy Roman Emperor Ferdinand II declares his generalissimo Albrecht Wenzel Eusebius von Wallenstein a traitor
1742 Charles VII, husband of Maria Teresa, elected Holy Roman Emperor (1742-1745)
1847 Col. Sterling Price defeats c. 1,500 Indians & Mexicans to secure New Mexico for the US
1848 James W. Marshall finds gold at Sutter's Mill near Sacramento, initiating the California Gold Rush
1861 Federal Arsenal at Augusta, Ga, seized by state troops
1861 Federal troops take ship at Ft Monroe for Ft Pickens
1879 War of the Pacific: Chileans capture Antofagasta from Bolivia, initiating hostilities
1915 Battle of Dogger Bank: Royal Navy defeats the Germans in the North Sea
1916 Britain adopts conscription
1935 Kreuger Brewing Company of Virginia introduces beer in cans
1939 Spanish Republican government flees from Barcelona to Figueras
1941 British troops invade Italian East Africa
1942 Australian resistance at Rabaul ends.
1942 Borneo: Japanese begin landings at Balikpapan
1942 Bougainville: Japanese forces begin landing at Keita
1942 Malaya: British initiate a withdrawal to Singapore.
1943 Aleutians: Japanese begin a series of air raids from Attu on Amchitka.
1944 US a/c conduct long-range recon over the Marshalls, from the Gilberts.
1945 China: Advancing Japanese troops cause evacuation of U.S. airbase at Sichuan
1961 A B-52 breaks up over the North Carolina coast, losing two H-bombs, one of which is still missing
1975 Puerto Rican nationalists bomb Fraunces Tavern; 4 die, 50 injured
1991 USN helicopters liberate Kuwaiti offshore oil rigs from the Iraqis.
2011 An Islamist suicide bomber attacks Moscow's Domodedovo Airport, 35 die, c. 80 injured
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